- Started a series of 1-2-1 meetings that I have planned on return after Easter with all IT staff - seeing those people first who have taken on new things. Also usual 1-2-1s with direct reports this week.
- Met with FSE for a briefing and demonstration of Replicon. We also called the account manager for a discussion about enterprise pricing on basis it might be an alternative to Agresso if that is not delivered quickly.
- Budget forecast meeting follow up ref infrastructure budget. Identified £27k approx of positive changes. Identified issue with budget to follow-up. Budget discussion with Estates about future air con and fuel costs for generators - £10k impact in 17/18 on IT budget.
- Estates/IT monthly meeting reviewed the DAS activity tracker and marked a number of projects as completed.
- Completed PCI-DSS review based on NCC audit February 2018 and started to develop this year's action plan together.
- Met KPMG auditors and started work on data collection processes - this relates to pre-work for the financial accounts audit September.
- Reviewed the out of hours IT support contract including the data sharing agreement (now with DPO for sign off) and the data impact assessment (also with DPO for review).
- Worked on the JANET upgrade have now obtained costings.
- Met with facilities systems and in particular the incident logging system and mobile apps.
- Held our second Servicenow project board including useful feedback on a review of its reporting capabilities.
- Attended GDPR working Group.
- Met up with Dean of Students covering league table performance and recent Faculty Student Council feedback. Key themes are being extracted for a report based on 3-400 students engaged in process.
Good News
- No P1 incidents - however dealt with another phishing attempt.
- GDPR Audit completed and returned.
- ATwo team members completed a week's PRINCE training
- One of our team has successfully been admitted to membership of the BCS.
- Our team is mentoring one of our students who has obtained an internship at JISC.
- Lots of GDPR activity has been going on - a real team effort across the Directorate to identify and document key assets which may be affected. Management team meeting on Wednesday pulled this together (for IT elements) and also identified some University-wide areas for consideration. Trying to use same process to identify "red flag" higher priority areas. I am tasked with DAS action plan after audit completed.
- Budget forecast meeting too place. No major differences to the last run through with the DAS leadership team. Follow ups being arranged. Sent Finance a further copy of budget information for 18/19.
- Been in discussions with the Aspire2HE project as it turns out they are having a bespoke web system developed (external HEFCE funding). We are in touch with the external developer and have follow up call arranged - we need to understand and mitigate risks including exit strategy and sustainable approach. Timeline is live by start of May for the marketing and information elements of the website (low risk) and further functions for August/September including data collection etc.
- Sorted an outstanding issue with ProAV loan kit and confirmed plan that was tabled at LATSAG - where it appeared to be well received.
- Panopto Project Board meeting took place - seems to be going well no major issues to report.
- CRIS Project Board met for first time and making positive progress on procurement stage.
- Various 1-2-1 meetings. We also had a scrum meeting this week.
- There was also a DAS Leadership team meeting, JISC account management meeting, Timetabling Project Board and Faculty review meeting.
Good News
- No P1 incidents (again - including over the Easter weeks)
- Telford Board Room AV and related issues have been resolved.
- Pricing for JANET subscription is positive outcome of review.
- Joint DAS and HR Service launched - for access to the ServiceNow portal.