Wednesday 25 March 2009

SUN Conference Day Two (Giunti Labs)

Quite different - this is a presentation about open standards solutions rather than open source. They have a learning content management system (called learn eXact - llooks like another proprietory alternative to Blackboard but maybe not in academic arena?) They bought Harvest Road Hive a year ago Australian product/supplier previously. The company is still a publisher so is diversifying. Slides about european learning industry group (elig) - why we should start changing our learning infrastructure i.e. moved beyond so called VLE 1.0 (e.g. monolith proprietory systems) through VLE 2.0 which is happening via grass roots content that is self generated and users are exchanging their own contents. Trend towards eLearning 3.0 which is much more personalised, granular content which is mobile, ubiquitous and delivered through open services. Open Knowledge Initiative - don't have a single platform but a bunch of components which you use to build your environment with. Step one is unbundling content from delivery platform also enabling mobile capability. Next step is putting a brokerage between the content and the presentation - is this actually the future of publishing more generally? Some case studies California State University (CalState Digital Marketplace). Technical University of Delft, Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Lyon called VetTube. Massively complex slides and late in the day so struggling to keep up.

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