Thursday 15 July 2010

Top L2P Tour Phrases

Most Frequent
Ross: Mange Tout, Mange Tout
Ross: Monsieur, you are spoiling us

World Cup related
G: I'd like to blow a whistle on that
Toph: Soufflez le Vuvu (Vuvuzela)

International travel perspectives
Ross on La Defense: The underground world where the buses have no brakes
woman from Alabama: Are you from Australia? Ross: Hi my name is Sidney

Ross: Lozenge anyone?
Ross: Jack du Flap
Garry: If I had known I had two flapjacks I would have shared them (from Dumb and Dumber: well, it is the Rocky's man)

Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee (Great Blue Tit aka Garry bottom bracket)
Bike shop man to Garry: It's hard to tell because, to be honest, everything is loose

Boy Scouts
Ross: I've got something for that (first aid kit)
Chris: There's an app for that: Handle With Care = Wheelchair

and the winner for best comedy moment is

Ross: I think (pause) your room is ever so slightly (pause) more shit than our room: goodnight

and the runner up:
Monsieur Coco's bike

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