Monday 17 January 2011

Starting again in 2011

I just noticed that there have been no posts here since before the December and New Year break. There's plenty to write about but it's finding the time although this should only take a few minutes. I guess its sometimes hard to find those few minutes. Anyway three things today relate to the following photos.
The first one is from one of the Group Study rooms in the JBP Library as it is exam time these are getting some pretty heavy use from dawn to dusk. This photo must prove that Engineering students do visit the Library and that some students are working hard in those group study rooms contrary to what some may think given the general level of noise and disturbance!

The second one is the University flag at half mast - this is a farily rare occurence and last Friday it was to mark the fact that a colleague had died unexpectedly over the Christmas break. Jason Maher had just been appointed to a senior role in Learner Support Services as Head of Careers and Employability and he was due to take up the role in August. Everyone is still shocked and reeling from the news of his sudden and unexpected death. Jason was a gentleman and a larger than life character who will be very sadly missed around the whole University.

The final photo is from this Sunday's visit to Sheffield. I was there for a rugby match with Joseph(Old Brodleians away to a Sheffield team called Abbeydale) so we decided to pop in to see Megan. Somewhat surprisingly she was already at the Information Commons studying for her exam on Wednesday this week and so we had a coffee and some lunch in the bustling Information Commons cafe. Prices felt rather expensive at more than £5 a head for a sandwich and a hot chocolate. They were comparing prices with Starbucks at £2.40 a cup whereas we charge £1.40 at Bradford by comparison. Captive market however, and the place was rammed.

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