Friday, 24 November 2017

Wolverhampton weekly newsletter #3

Some brief highlights from this week include:
  • The NDNA mini competition tender document was issued at the start of the week. 
  • We are continuing to review the IT operational plan for 17/18 and will be bringing it all together in a team meeting shortly which has been scheduled. 
  • Set up date for lessons learned activity for Summer AV installation program and held further weekly review of progress with PMs. 
  • Set up a review session ahead of Christmas break for the major incident process which includes lessons learned from previous exercise. 
  • During this week dealt with a number of HR related matters. 
  • Provided IT sign off to Cyber Security Centre project team meeting after face to face review with academic sponsors, Estates and IT. Further work subsequently taking place on network pricing and clarifying revenue versus capital items. All in good shape for next Project Board. 
  • Interesting meeting with Wolverhampton City Council about a bid for new capital funding related to "Smart Cities" and city centre high speed broadband. Will be a very competitive national process - may need letter of support at some point. 
  • Attended GDPR foundation course which includes training materials for potential future briefing process. 
  • Planning to start on Christmas Jumper Day and a team night out before Christmas - watch this space and hold the date (December 13th provisionally).
    Good News Stories
    • Digital Strategy Committee went ahead with a full agenda, good attendance and engaged members - good stuff. 
    • No P1 major incidents so far in November.

      Friday, 17 November 2017

      Wolverhampton weekly newsletter #2

      Some of the things that I have been doing during this week:

      • Spent time with the team, individually and in small groups, to reach a decision on how we would handle departure of a senior colleague and handover. Communicated outcome through face to face meetings, DAS newsletter and prepared individual letters.
      • Briefly discussed MI Data Centre migration and obtained a timeline for planning purposes (ideally space vacated and refurbed for Sept 2018).  Started to think about options - and arranged onsite meeting with potential partner.
      • Attended half day workshop on Problem Management and Knowledge Management and contributed to identification of next steps.
      • Met with Timetabling project manager for a briefing on the timetabling project – aim is for fully personalised timetabling for Sept 2019 and online room booking by Sept 2018. This involves a major  "four version" upgrade to the CMIS system and investigations about CMIS GO which is a new web portal product.
      • Met with Business Analyst to understand role and recent activity – briefed on mobile phone review and views on broader BPM opportunities.
      • Helped with review and feedback on the Current Research Information System (CRIS) business case.
      • Completed first two elements of the review of IT operational plan. A number of key risks highlighted with respect to investment.
      • Briefed on FLEGT rainforest research project and potential costing which has been prepared for hosting on-premise. Organised a follow up with lead researchers in early December.
      • Sorted out commitment to refuel and service for the MX (and MI) diesel generators in time for Christmas/New Year break.
      • Weekly update on AV project with project management team and also reviewed contract paperwork, scope of works and organised follow up next week to review.
      • Briefing meeting with IT and Purchasing on the NDNA procurement of desktop and laptop computers.

      Good News Stories that have already been communicated:

      • Successful launch of new University managed Apple Mac platform (November 1st)
      • Successful launch of new guest wi-fi network (November 2nd)
      • Successful launch of Panopto through Apps Anywhere delivery on and off campus (November 10th)
      • No P1 major incidents so far in November – confirmed 3 P1s since April 2017.

      Thursday, 16 November 2017

      Wolverhampton weekly newsletter #1

      It has been a tremendous pleasure to return to the University to such a friendly team with so much experience of the University and its operations. Thank you for making me feel so welcome second time around.

      My primary objectives for the next six months are:
      • Line Management for a number of permanent roles which report directly. 
      • Management of a number of short-term contract staff, including two Business Analysts, and two Project Managers from Faithfull and Gould
      • Oversight of operational plan delivery
      • Oversight of the IT operational budget
      • Membership of a number of groups and committees, including: Change Advisory Board, Digital Strategy Board, IT task and finish group, Information Security Board etc
      • Membership of DAS Executive, contribution to DAS plans, and maintenance of Business As Usual

      During my first week there have been a number of formal and informal opportunities to meet with people and begin to get up to speed with just some of the recent activities. Among other things, I was involved with:
      • A TRIBAL briefing on future system strategy – I prepared and shared a briefing note and organised a follow up with the SITS Team in Registry.
      • Attended DAS Leadership team meeting – emphasis on carrying on as planned, line management changes relate only to recent departures.
      • Met with IT management team both as a team and in brief individual 1-2-1 sessions
      • Developed and discussed viable options and consulted on line management plans for upcoming departure of senior IT manager.
      • Organised a handover meeting and process to document outstanding tasks in progress
      • Kicked off piece of work by IT managers on review of the current IT operational plan – specifically any projects that are “at risk”.
      • Attended Panopto Project Board – some very positive feedback on Summer progress.
      • Delegated and followed up on PwC penetration test paperwork
      • AV supplier – both pre-meeting and face-to-face meeting with Directors. Successful outcome including resolution of all significant outstanding snags.
      • Arranged to hold weekly review meetings with IT managers and on alternate weeks extend invitation to others involved in IT who report elsewhere - this schedule will commence from January.