Update from Week Seventeen
- It was a "two-day week" due to annual leave so a little quieter but busy diary as always.
- We had a regular weekly IT scrum meeting - these are really useful way to catch up.
- Introduction meeting with the University's internal auditors - they are keen to be more engaged and asked for formal handover in due course with new IT Director.
- Met with colleagues ref requirements for systems to support outreach and recruitment.
- Timetabling Project Board first meeting - signed off Project Initiation Document. There are some known risks with technical support (alongside other digital projects) but these are relatively modest compared to the scale of change for the academic community which personal timetabling will bring.
- Met Aspire to HE team who have commissioned a supporting web system. Follow up meeting being arranged.
- Met TNE team - priorities included a CRM system to manage relationships, access to facilities and services for TNE students so not disadvantaged and requirement for document management especially relating to legal contracts etc
- Organised ServiceNow Project Board - there are some notes being prepared. Wasn't a formal meeting - Need to thinks about sponsoring service management more generally (IT only a part of the equation). Short-term actions agreed and going to now meet on monthly basis.
- GDPR session with DAS Leadership Team
- "Records Retention" dates (mentioned at GDPR) for IT are afternoons 28/3 and 4/4. Trial to see what comes out the woodwork so to speak...
Good News
- The team resolved Wi-Fi problems in George Building meeting rooms which have been going on unreported since September.