Update from week six
- Sunday and Monday brought us lots of challenging weather so didn't travel to Wolverhampton as planned first thing Monday morning. Spent time on a variety of admin activity - it was useful to catch up on some of the things in my "to do list". Since week one I have found myself in meeting after meeting and limited time to do any of the actions that I have agreed! Just one of these which has been rumbling around is SAMS maintenance - now all sorted.
- There was a "P1" incident Tuesday morning due to another power interruption affecting one of our server rooms. We will make sure a lessons learned report is produced and any actions identified and allocated.
- Got up to speed with recent work on "lead nurturing systems" which had involved two workshops. Arranged next workshop for mid-January and a pre-session with those involved from IT.
- Held a number of "account management" meetings this week: made introductions and a very positive meeting with Strategic Planning; spent a couple of hours with External Relations on the list of outstanding issues - all now being picked up; met with Purchasing about the upcoming contract reviews and those in progress.
- Met with Ultimedia who had been involved in an Estates/IT workshop in the Summer about requirements for content management system. Agreed follow up actions which will be picked up with Estates in the New Year.
- A very positive meeting with Estates and Facilities colleagues. An extensive list of follow-up actions was circulated for review and comment.
- After the JISC learner analytics meeting followed up with our JISC account manager and among other things discussed getting some outline costings for potentially moving/upgrading the core network. The standard lead time is maximum five months from placing orders which is worth knowing - probably longest lead time items. We also followed up about accessing further information about the JISC Shared Data Centre with our internal legal and procurement people - next steps agreed as this is not yet completed.
Good News Stories
- Estates and DAS discussing and agreeing responsibilities for Server Room infrastructure.
- Night out at Slaters to celebrate Christmas and a successful Christmas Jumper day for charity.
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