Wednesday 8 July 2009

Preparing a presentation (post Robina)

As a result of last week's development course with Robina Chatham, I've been thinking about how to make a better job of presenting materials to an audience later this week. Normally, when up against deadlines, there is little time available to consider the needs of the audience and the desirable outcomes from the activity. On this occasion however, set aside an hour and asked three people (with different preferences to my own and each other) to give me some help. Wasn't sure they would turn up as everyone is busy and this wasn't mandatory! It was a really interesting session as the group came up with a number of great ideas and suggestions and also kept us on task when we drifted onto the content - inevitable to an extent. We'll see how it turns out and in particular the idea of getting the committee to do an interactive task - this might be a bit too innovative - we'll see!

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