Monday, 18 June 2018

Wolverhampton weekly newsletter #26

Weekly Update

  • Dealt with queries about ServiceNow licensing and on the agenda for next week's project board meeting (checking licence number and budget transfers etc)
  • Software2 package training is now scheduled for 30th July - involving Faculty technical staff in training program (with commitment to help with packaging over Summer).
  • Scrum meeting notes from this week's meeting:
    • Agresso leave module now demo'd to User Group.  Positive feedback - system on track to be available from August 1st.
    • Next steps are building dashboard for absence reporting in system, setting system data up so line managers can sign off and approve, and checking individual staff work schedules.
    • Policy will probably change ref leave carry forward rules in 18/19 to allow transition to the new system - proposal is 6 months (versus 2 months).
    • Personal webspace (perswww) is going to be retired from end of month - everyone has a default "mywebs" folder which will be withdrawn - no data will be lost.  Potential for DP breaches is key driver - lots of out of date infomration some of it potentially personal.
    • Digital Capabilities survey extended to 31/7 - recommended that we all participate if we haven't already and cascade within teams.
    • Data Centre access policy is now drafted - ready to circulate for comments as may impact others eg estates and facilities
    • Shadow IT workshops are ongoing to end July
    • Changes will be happening to the sign on process to enable automated password re-set using a mobile phone number (opt in approach).  Will also deliver an upgrade to security (upgrading FIM) and better ability to manage password changing including out of hours.
  • Usual 1-2-1s this week.  Resolved procurement for Modern.Gov and Tableau through software licences budget.
  • Held second IT Health and Safety Committee to review the action plan - a number of actions have taken place to reduce perceived risk.
  • Chaired first IT leadership team meeting - there will be all staff briefing process put in place.
  • Handover meetings arranged with AV supplier and plan in place over next three weeks during staff annual leave.  Work starts Monday in Walsall (one room) and City (two rooms).

Good News

  • Positive meeting with Strategic Planning - they are currently happy with our progress.
  • Positive meetings with new IT Director.
  • No P1's this week.

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