Monday, 25 June 2018

Wolverhampton weekly newsletter #27

Weekly Update.

  • New finance rules came into effect this week for certain orders requiring relevant member of VCAG to sign off.
  • Weekend confirmed for pre-clearing telephone system upgrade (July 14th)
  • Various 1-2-1's with direct reports this week - continued 1-2-1 meetings with rest of team 
  • ServiceNow Project Board met as planned - notes to be written up
  • Met with External Relations aand sent round action notes as usual.
  • Kick-Off meeting took place with Modern.Gov with a good set of documentation and agreed as UoW Project Manager.
  • Supported further reviews of CRIS contract paperwork - been very challenging to get over the line.  Also met with Purchasing for quarterly review of purchasing activity (covered this).
  • Scrum meeting notes from this week's meeting:
    • The AV summer program got under way this week - so far, so good - 2 rooms city, 1 at Walsall now under way
    • We have a representatve attending ProcessFix training event this week Thursday.
    • Testing of GDPR incident reporting via ServiceNow (portal) later this week - need to report within 72 hours target if necessary.
    • Modern.Gov kick off meeting has taken place - detailed documentation and requirements from various people.
    • Alerted to potential website redesign - copy of report subsequently sent on in pdf format.
    • 2nd July start date for DC comms and engagement officer.
    • Trying to get contact name from Council for Verto PM tool they use.
    • A number of tentative and nil responses for SUMO event - need to know for catering numbers - managers asked to chase up
    • Interviewing  for BA roles next week
    • Interviewing candidates for IT Support Role
    • Project resource issues going to Digital Strategy Committee - not just DC but IT generally.
    • Business case for job share for Project Support is in progress.
    • Phishing prevention better than cure. Some good ideas around targeted and general comms, new package available for LearnUpon (needs customising - propose getting a price), student welcome/induction process, possibility of managed attack with follow-ups.

Good News

  • No P1's this week

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