Monday, 2 July 2018

Wolverhampton weekly newsletter #28

Weekly Update

  • Major issues this week with air conditioning units in MI building precipitated by the unusually prolonged and hot weather in excess of 30 degrees.  A unit failed on Monday and then a second unit on Tuesday overnight (20:30 temperature alert at 35 degrees ambient).  We had engineers called out of hours and IT staff attended on-site until after midnight.  Although a temporary fix was applied failures continued and we were running on one unit with hired units brought in for the second half of the week.  I sent daily updates as Major Incident Contact.  By Friday morning, OVC alerted to the serious nature of the situation.  We left for the weekend with all three units working by 18:00 and Ino further temperature alerts since then.  We led on a business continuity exercise for services which might have to be switched off and scenario planning for a closed MI room.  Estates have taken on the day-to-day management of air conditioning options including short term (hire of extra capacity and fix of current issues) as well as new incremental capacity for MI and MX as soon as practicable.  MX air con only had only alarm failure this week but those units are now beyond expected service life.
  • In other news.....
  • Attended Digital Strategy Committee along
  • Held further 1-2-1s with team members this week
  • Proposed nominations for the Future Leaders activity.
  • interviews held for 2 Business Analyst posts.
  • Met later in week with Planning to deal with isystem upgrades and process for identifying new features and timelines etc (both Business Objects and Tableau)
  • We held a scrum meeting dominated by updates on air con, and also a second IT Leadership Team meeting.
  • Met with Head of Computer Science to deal with requests - believe that we found a way forward for dealing with requests.
  • Attended GDPR working Group.  Internal Audit for GDPR now under way.

Good News

  • We survived the hot weather with no interruption of service.

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